23-24 April, 2024, leading nonprofits, agencies, partners and Engaging Networks staff gathered in London for 2 days of case studies, workshops, panels and talks on techniques and best practices to help your organization raise more money and win more campaigns. Watch the replay of the main stage sessions here.

Here's what attendees are saying about our community conferences:

"I just really love seeing the cool stuff that is possible with EN and seeing the community aspect of sharing knowledge, frustrations, and passions."

"The case studies were all very thought provoking and gave practical examples of how EN can be successfully used for fundraising and campaigning."

Course curriculum

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    ENCC London 2024 Day One

    • Keynote: Milestones for Engaging Networks

    • Benchmarking for success - how does your programme measure up?

    • Turning supporters into donors via Crowdfunder

    • Audience-focused fundraising – How Versus Arthritis used insight to transform its donor recruitment.

    • Match Giving: Double your income, double your impact

    • Cat-alysts of Change: Influencing government policy through strategic asks and digital campaigns

    • Using ‘Letters to the Editor’ to manage campaign fatigue

    • A world beyond Westminster: Other politicians are available

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    ENCC London 2024 Day Two

    • A Practical Introduction to AI Ethics

    • Illuminating data: Telling a local story with animated statistics

    • First dates: the art of building lasting relationships and retaining your supporters

    • How I learnt to stop worrying and love Supporter Recruitment

    • Panel: Election year: are you prepared?

    • Winning Email Formula: Advocacy Emails That Helped Win a Campaign for Orcas

    • Academy: General Election: how to win friends and influence people