Webinar Replay

Join us for an informative webinar on Engaging Networks' recent game-changing update - a seamless integration of Donor Advised Funds (DAF) as a payment method through Chariot.

Hani Abughazaleh, Product Manager at Engaging Networks and Aaron Kahane, COO and Co-Founder, at Chariot will guide you through all of the ways you can best utilize this enhancement with your supporters.

Donor Advised Funds are charitable giving accounts that allow donors to set aside funds for charitable purposes and receive immediate tax benefits. Currently available only to the US market, with plans of expansion, Chariot supports a wide range of DAF providers to allow your supporters to easily donate through the charitable accounts.

With this enhancement, Engaging Networks is expanding its range of payment options, empowering organizations and their supporters with greater flexibility when it comes to supporting charitable initiatives.

Course curriculum

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    Engaging Networks & Donor Advised Funds

    • Webinar Replay: Engaging Networks & Chariot - Donor Advised Funds