Build Faster, Focused & Results Driven SMS Broadcasts

With the new marketing tools from Enagaging Networks you'll be building an SMS broadcast faster and more focused than you've every been able to before.

With an easy to use SMS message builder, conditional content set at the individual message level, audience segments, split testing and informative reporting the new SMS Broadcast tool will revolutionise the way you create your supporter communications.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction To Marketing Tools: SMS Broadcasts

    • Introduction To SMS Broadcasts

  • 2

    Twilio Setup

    • Engaging Networks + Twilio

    • Twilio SMS Compliance & Deliverability Guide

    • Connecting Your Engaging Networks Account With Twilio

  • 3


    • Creating Campaign Keywords

  • 4

    Creating SMS Broadcasts In Engaging Networks

    • SMS Broadcast Setup

    • SMS Broadcast Creation

    • Audience Segments

    • Split Testing SMS

    • Testing SMS Broadcasts

    • Sending SMS Broadcasts

    • SMS Broadcast Reporting

  • 5

    SMS Broadcast Q&As

    • Q&A session on SMS Broadcast

  • 6

    Audience Tools: Query Builder & Profiles

    • Building Profiles For Use With Conditional Content

    • Setting Up Your Audience Using Query Builder